Popular `homebrew` terminal commands
Tap a Homebrew formula repository from GitHub
Taps a Homebrew formula repository (a repository that contains Homebrew formulae) from GitHub.
Authored by: Wyatt-Stanke
Install a specific version of a Homebrew formula
Install a specific version of a formula using Homebrew. To list all available versions, you can run `brew search {{formula_name}}@`.
Authored by: Debilski
List all installed Homebrew formulae/casks
Lists all installed Homebrew formulae/casks
Authored by: Wyatt-Stanke
Pin a formula to its current version
Pins a version of a homebrew formula to its current version, i.e. it will not be updated when a newer version is available.
Authored by: Wyatt-Stanke
Reinstall all installed Homebrew formulae/casks
Reinstalls all installed Homebrew formulae and casks
Authored by: Wyatt-Stanke
Reinstall a Homebrew formula
Reinstall a Homebrew formula
Authored by: Wyatt-Stanke
Uninstall a Homebrew package and all of its dependencies
Uses the external command rmtree to remove a Homebrew package and all of its dependencies
Authored by: Ory Band
Unpin a homebrew formula
Unpins a version of a homebrew formula to its current version, i.e. it will not be updated when a newer version is available.
Authored by: Wyatt-Stanke
Upgrade all installed Homebrew casks
Upgrades all applications that were downloaded using Homebrewk Cask. This will not update casks that do not have versioning information or applications that have a built-in upgrade mechanism. To reinstall these casks, append the `--greedy` flag.
Authored by: scribblemaniac